

Imagine the Patience

Always a wonderful site for the offbeat images of Russian society, English Russia has a great photo spread of a Ukrainian man who built a wonderfully detailed model of the Eiffel tower out of matches. What’s more it has a…

When Do We Blog?

I added a neat little plug-in to the blog site today. blogTimes. It is a small, but powerful, script that generates a timeline plotting the time of day at which blog entries are made. I added this to the archives…

Journal versus Diary

Allan Bishop and I engaged in a rather interesting short discussion this morning on blogs, public discourse and what it means to share your thoughts in the internet era. He raised the story of the chap that went online and…

Buggering Up a Blog

With a renewed vigour one feels compelled to renovate and tidy up for the new year. So with that energy I threw a bit of time at the blog look and functionality. Making sure that links actually go somewhere and…

“I’m sorry, we don’t do God”

Yes, it’s Tony Blair when asked whether he prayed with George Bush when he visited the White House. A quick quip. What did he mean by this answer? No he and George W. don’t share religious practise, or is it…

Do Ten Years Make a Difference?

It is interesting to consider the vastly different (yet similarly targeted) Apple eMate of 1997 and the OLPC pof 2007. Floating about the internet currently is a really cool screen capture of the ‘Sugar’ interface used by the One Laptop…