

On Notetaking

Caught this article today on Solution Watch wherein the author explores the panoply of ways to manage your personal information. A wonderful collection, but more importanltly a good discussion of the way in which we gather, maintain and retrieve knowledge.…

ThinkPad Z60

Thinkpad Z60 So. I finally stumbled upon a ThinkPad Z60 on display. My initial impression is unfortunately somewhat negative. It is the most flimsy feeling ThinkPad ever. If there is one thing that strikes the user of a ThinkPad is…

The Excitment of Pre-Modern Italian Accountantcy

So…why would anyone voluntarily attend a seminar on Administration and Book-keeping in Renaissance and Early Modern Italy? Even the lecturer was surprised by the turnout. Standing room only at Victoria University. The workshop was very fascinating and a useful look…

RMC Fencing

Just back from a great weekend away at my first fencing tournament. The Mac bus headed off on Friday and we were in Kingston just before midenight. Short nights sleep and we were on the bus at 6 the next…

Cat Update

OK. The bad news is that the cats didn’t quite work out. They have now returned to their natural surroundings and I am sleeping at night again. They were a cute pair of kittens though. This is a picture of…

SSHRC Deadline in Approaching

…and all too fast (maybe not). Clearly I have evolved away from being a last minute writer, however the task of writing to deadlines has gone in the opposite direction. Deadlines are now cut-off points when it is simply time…

On the Weather: How Canadian (eh?)

This wetness can well drive one insane. I guess it should come as no small surprise that weather has a *huge* effect on one’s mood. This incessant rain and cold which seems to have gone on for a week now…