Category Culture

In praise of less than ordinary things

I write of the post box. I was considering my travel options during an emergency situation at Kent Station Cork this week and as I was pondering logistical issues, my attention was suddenly drawn to the study, green cylindrical post…

The Future from the Past

It’s always amusing and often telling to compare where we are now to where we thought we’d be. Whether through sci-fi novels, advertisements for the house of the future, or in this case prints from an exhibition at the Bibliothèque…


One of the most fascinating stores in Paris and well worth a visit is Colette. The location is prime – along rue Saint-Honoré near the Place du Marche Saint-Honoré. Colette carries a wonderfully eclectic inventory of things amazing. catering to…

Space and Scale

There is a great discussion at Bricoleurbanism on the absence of people-scaled spaces in Toronto’s urban streetscape. The discussion takes as a starting point construction hoarding on two sides of the street near Bloor that inadvertently created a humane street…

Guelph Memory

A great online historical tour of the University of Guelph campus is now available. It doesn’t feature whizzbang flash effects or implement AJAX functionality. Instead, it delivers a smooth and effective tour in a simple and compelling fashion with simple…

Treating Via the Net

In my research into nineteenth century Canadian drinking habits, I very quickly learned that the temperance folks had a special enmity for the custom of treating. The crusade against this special social practise informed much of the pamphleteering and petitioning…