Here are a collection of some of the papers I have presented thus far. They are shared as PDF files, hopefully by now people know what a PDF is and we can dispense with the old acrobat reader is available here statement. I would however note that you can choose "save to disk if you would rather read the paper offline or avoid opening it with an acrobat-assisted browser window.
Saints, Sinners, Brewers and Publicans: Drinking in Guelph Before Prohibition
Lecture for the Guelph Museums, October 11, 2007
Was Guelph a Drinkin’ Town? Starting from this seemingly innocous question, we’ll take a look at the evidence to discover whether it was indeed more wet than other towns in Ontario, as a number of historians habe suggested.
Presentation File available
The Recipe as a Metaphor
CaStA 2006 – University of New Brunswick, October 13, 2006
The challenge of providing self-guided instructional tools for diverse sets of experiences, needs and ways of interacting with computers remains a challenge for those producing tools. This article describes the way in which the recipe-based method can provide a useful methodology for instruction in diverse humanities computing challenges.
Presentation File