

Random Links Splotched to on 5 February 2007

Main Page – Alternative History (tags: wiki history writing fun) WG Film (tags: cinema documentary film sweden calatrava) Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas, original design by Stamen, press any key to s (tags: art flash design pollock cool fun paint)…

Packaging Presentation

Mitch Ratcliffe at ZDnet is conducting a longer term comparison between a new MacBook Pro and a Lenovo X60 as part of a series of articles looking at broader user experience with two OS platforms. I normally would not cite…

Web2.0 More Than Explained

This is one thoughtful piece of webart…if we are considering beautiful evidence…this short video by Michael Wesch gets it very right. Its absolutely brilliant. I am sure its going to start to get some attention over the next few days.…

Random Links Added to on 3 February 2007

From the Kitchen to the Table – Traditional Scottish Shortbread Recipe (tags: recipe shortbread cookies dessert) Grandma’s Shortbread Cookie Recipes (tags: recipe shortbread cookies dessert) Panama Canal Expansion Preview – Popular Mechanics (tags: popular_mechanics magazine panama canal) What’s “cool” at…

Of Things Calatrava…

I finally got around to watching a documentary I had pvr’d a week or so ago. The Socialist, the Architect and the Twisted Tower documents (lyrically I might add) the design and construction of the Turning Tower in Malmo, Sweden.…

Random Links Added to on 31 January 2007

10 Most Misspelled Words in Blogs | The Probabilist . com (tags: english language spelling blogs) BBspot – Top 11 Headlines You Won’t See on Windows Vista Launch Day (tags: funny humour Technology) Modeling Mid-Century Modern (tags: SketchUp blog examples)

Random Links Added to on 30 January 2007

Canadian Digital Forum (tags: electronics HDTV tv forum canada) Reinventing the Web – The Daily WTF (tags: humour development java) Ben Shneiderman (tags: hci visualization research Usability design thesis people) Functioning Form – Interface Design Blog (Weblog) (tags: design blog…