Category Film

Review of Woman at War

I tend to review a lot of books on this blog. I am a reader. I am also a watcher and I tend to second screen (a lot). In fact even as I write this there is video playing on…

Life and Death In Bruges

Bruges at Christmas time. A lovely medieval preserved town with a festive spirit and now blessed with two hit men laying low at a quaint hotel. How can one react to this movie? In Bruges is a treat!! Characterization and…

An Historian Passes

I just discovered at the HNN that George Macdonald Fraser, author of the acclaimed Flashman series of historical fiction novels, passed away yesterday. His ribald contributions to a true appreciation of the nuances of Victorian military and social history will…

How Golden Was Her Age?

I was finally was able to see Elizabeth: The Golden Age today and was not disappointed. This a movie worth seeing at the theatre. The settings are sumptuous, superbly shot and Cate Blanchett seems to be able to do no…

How Does Taste Look?

Information Aesthetics points to a great background article on the visual representation of taste in Ratatouille (a movie I absolutely recommend – great story, superb animation). I watched these sequences and didn’t think much about them – but what a…

the Mistress of Spices

Here’s a hot movie tip. If you are looking for gratuitous violence and action stop reading right now. Instead, if you appreciate brilliantly composed shots, being submerged in a rich, enveloping, sensual, and splendidly conceived story, the Mistress of Spices…

Of Things Calatrava…

I finally got around to watching a documentary I had pvr’d a week or so ago. The Socialist, the Architect and the Twisted Tower documents (lyrically I might add) the design and construction of the Turning Tower in Malmo, Sweden.…