Category Technology

Stupid Saturdays

Just because it is absolutely so stupid I feel compelled to point it your way. The ‘Will it Blend’ series of videos demonstrating the sheer blending power of Blentec blenders (like they use at all my favourite coffee shops) takes…

Forensic Engineering

French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin has unveiled a quite fascinating theory of pyramid construction. Apparently based on a decade of investigation, he is able to proposed a series of concepts proposing that internal construction ramps allowed for the efficient and remarkable…

Space X No-Go a Go-Go!

Experience the thrill! – 7Mb WMV file of the lift off Went through a wonderful spate of feelings watching the live coverage of Space Explorations’ attempt to launch their Falcon 1 Space Vehicle -demoflight2. As you may or may not…

Ok. This HDR Thing…

I have been downloading HDR images over the past few months and using them as desktop images because they are so evocative. I was fascinated by this digital processing technique and although I did find some good technical explanations about…