Category Info Architecture

Extending Firefox

I don’t normally blog about Firefox extensions. I have far too many installed, but this latest one is something that should have been a part of Firefox on install. If you are running Firefox, you owe yourself to test this…

Open Source Genealogy

I have been searching for ways to improve my genealogical research. I set two specific criteria for my search: A cross-platform browser/editor that uses GEDCOM files natively; A means to share genealogical data in a free and open manner Two…

Realtime Mashup

This one could also be called…another great time waster…but it is well done. FlickrVision uses streaming photo posts from Flickr that have locational references. It displays geo-referenced popups of the images as they are posted to Flickr. Hovering over a…

Open Testing 2.0

Tangler offers an innovative approach to open testing of online products. A combination of instant messaging and real-time forums, Tangler provides a repository of joinable discussions and archives discussions for reference. The site seems geared towards testing of new products…

Guelph Memory

A great online historical tour of the University of Guelph campus is now available. It doesn’t feature whizzbang flash effects or implement AJAX functionality. Instead, it delivers a smooth and effective tour in a simple and compelling fashion with simple…