

Recruitment Contrast

Ok. Who’s really tapping the reason why we fight? English Russia, a perennial source of high quality commentary, posted a Ukrainian Army recruitment ad. As I watched I was struck by the latest Canadian Armed Forces ad designed to presumably…

A Scattering of links for 21 February 2007

Medical Education Blog: Five theories about learning (tags: learning theory education) Pixenate – Online Photo Editor (tags: photo editor Tools web2.0 photography online image) Script and Code Exchange | Oracle FAQ (tags: oracle scripts sql programming work plsql dba) Dictionary…

links for 2007-02-21

Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter: Soundex Explained (tags: soundex filemaker tuorial theory census linkage) Bits and Pieces: Soundex and Miracode (tags: filemaker soundex development) Web 2.0 Webdesign-Tutorials | Dr. Web Weblog (tags: design web2.0 webdesign tutorials photoshop tips Reference) RLT-1997 Chapter…

Links Cast from on 19 Februrary 2007 – 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia (tags: genealogy canada 1851) Maximum PC: How To: Slipstream your XP installation (tags: windows slipstream XP howto software cd Microsoft) L O G A N |…

A Quiver of Links Expended from on 16 Februrary 2007

The LiveCD List (tags: linux livecd opensource distros software os tools) BLDGBLOG (tags: architecture blog design Urban art photography) Movie-Map: Babette’s Feast (tags: movies selector visualization) Communication Nation (tags: communication blog design business productivity management) Data Mining: Text Mining, Visualization…

Ok. This HDR Thing…

I have been downloading HDR images over the past few months and using them as desktop images because they are so evocative. I was fascinated by this digital processing technique and although I did find some good technical explanations about…

links for 2007-02-16

Yellow Swordfish » My WordPress Plugin Library (tags: wordpress plugins plugin photography WebDesign) Core PHP – Easy Reflection (tags: php images webdesign reflections photos image effects) Lightbox 2 WordPress Plugin » 4MJ (tags: wordpress plugin lightbox ajax javascript plugins Photo)…

Snow Day

We had a bit of a dump of snow for the last couple days. Finally broke out an hour ago to see about the electrical stuff. I gather we took the big hit for our area 70cm in total I…