

How Does Taste Look?

Information Aesthetics points to a great background article on the visual representation of taste in Ratatouille (a movie I absolutely recommend – great story, superb animation). I watched these sequences and didn’t think much about them – but what a…

What Do Parliamentarians Do?

A colleague and I were discussing this anecdotal perception that there has been a shift from relying on lawyers to craft policy and laws in Canada towards reliance on businessmen. This post ponders how our elected representatives self-identify themselves and what…

My Niece the YouTube Star

My niece Meaghan gave the graduation speech this past week. It has been posted to YouTube in a fine montage by Christina. In addition to her speech making honours she picked up a total of seven awards including athlete of…

Extending Firefox

I don’t normally blog about Firefox extensions. I have far too many installed, but this latest one is something that should have been a part of Firefox on install. If you are running Firefox, you owe yourself to test this…