“Brick by Brick” presents a compelling exploration, primarily geared towards business-minded readers, yet it offers a narrative that may also captivate Lego enthusiasts. This book delves into the tumultuous phases of Lego’s corporate history, detailing its near-catastrophic downfall at the turn of the century, its illusory recovery, and its eventual resurgence. Written by a distinguished Wharton professor, the book provides precise insights into the strategic maneuvers and innovative adaptations that have shaped Lego’s journey.
Although this book is firmly positioned as a case study, offering in-depth analysis of strategy, key players, and pivotal moments in Lego’s recent history, it also features lore and captivating illustrations that would appeal to Lego fans. Although the narrative seems more focused on dissecting corporate strategy than exploring the playful essence of Lego, it does provide valuable insights into why and how Lego continues to inspire loyalty among its diverse fan base.
The book does not extensively explore some aspects of the Lego universe, such as its role as a tool for education and imaginative play, which might leave readers pondering its full impact. However, this does not diminish the book’s value as an exemplary piece of business literature or its appeal to Lego enthusiasts. “Brick by Brick” is recommended as a guide to understanding business strategy through the lens of one of the world’s most innovative companies, as well as an engaging read for anyone with an appreciation for Lego. It serves as a testament to the power of strategic thinking, the resilience of a beloved brand, and the continuous journey of innovation that keeps Lego’s magic alive.