Category Canada

Guelph Memory

A great online historical tour of the University of Guelph campus is now available. It doesn’t feature whizzbang flash effects or implement AJAX functionality. Instead, it delivers a smooth and effective tour in a simple and compelling fashion with simple…

Sovereignty Observed

According to a Washington Post headline, “Canadian military reinforces Arctic claim.” Apparently this is of more interest to the US than to Canadians. Although the CBC did mention the trek in the wider context of beefed up presence as mandated…

Recruitment Contrast

Ok. Who’s really tapping the reason why we fight? English Russia, a perennial source of high quality commentary, posted a Ukrainian Army recruitment ad. As I watched I was struck by the latest Canadian Armed Forces ad designed to presumably…

On the Weather: How Canadian (eh?)

This wetness can well drive one insane. I guess it should come as no small surprise that weather has a *huge* effect on one’s mood. This incessant rain and cold which seems to have gone on for a week now…