Category Blogging

Digital Nomadacity

The consistently thought-provoking Chris Brogan explores how current digital tools provide for greater freedom in employment and life in general. Chris makes some prescient pontifications on technologies and ponders why one should focus on being more mobile or consider being…

Taming the RSS Beast

Check out AideRSS – an exciting new tool to help manage information overload. It takes your existing RSS feeds, ranks posts and returns a list weighted by perceived quality. Wonderful paradigm shifting technologies are supposed to streamline our lives and…

Cracking the Writing Nut

Leo at Freelance Switch offers some great advice for those struggling to write or fighting with the distraction of their too-connected existence. I’ve got my hand raised here. Knowing that it’s a problem I have to solve I thought I’d…

A Little Experiment

Answering the question, what’s up with the weird look to Randomosity today…I am trying a strange WordPress theme today using simple ASCII charters. Its actually a rather complex theme and its surprisingly difficult to actually make WordPress look so low-tech.…


I took the plunge on my research blog and upgraded it from 2.05 –> 2.1 today. So far so good. The other blog is quite a bit simpler and uses far fewer plug-ins, of which I remain trepidatious, but we…

Friday is Plug-In Day

Wow. Three new plug-ins today…in the process of actually making them work. The first is an implementation of SIMILE’s wonderful TimeLine tool in WordPress. The plug-in comes from XX and allows you to automatically create a timeline view of posts.…

Buggering Up a Blog

With a renewed vigour one feels compelled to renovate and tidy up for the new year. So with that energy I threw a bit of time at the blog look and functionality. Making sure that links actually go somewhere and…