

Running Sparklines

I got the little Nike+ pedometer for my iPod last year to track my running progress. Yeah, that’s right its was purely for exercise sake…yeah. Yes, its a gadget. I like gadgets. And this one is very cool. If you…

links for 2007-01-24

Instant Google Spreadsheets Exhibits (tags: exhibit simile google spreadsheet) AI3:::Adaptive Information » Sweet Tools (Sem Web) (tags: simile exhibit semantic_tools)

links for 2007-01-23

Whole Earth Review: The basic laws of human stupidity (tags: basic laws humour truth) The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity (tags: humor philosophy humour stupidity reference society) Xbox-Scene News: Xbox 360 Tilt Controller Mod (tags: control Xbox games)

Weighing Vista

Having now discovered how easy it is to simply hit the back key on your keyboard and simply loose the longest blog entry that you have ever made…I start to rewrite this post. I am sure, you, the reader, will…

Random Links Added on 20 January 2007

Kaspersky Lab: Antivirus software (tags: antivirus software security internet computer virus) Text Content Analyser – (tags: writing tools text analysis statistics Language Reference) – Travel Guides, Maps, Photos, Forums, Deals, more (tags: travel guide reviews tourist community tips…

Water Media

William Pye makes magic with water. Check out the wonderfully designed website which chronicles his life’s work. He is a sculptor who uses water as his medium. I was particularly struck by Sibirica Minor and Tavola, both of which use…

Random Links Added to on 19 January 2007

Buran Composition Wing (tags: buran space soviet shuttle) :: : The Ultimate Email Collection (tags: art 3d painting cool illusions house illustration) Online Spreadsheets – EditGrid (tags: spreadsheet web2.0 tools excel office AJAX web) Universal Remote Control Codes (tags:…

Friday is Plug-In Day

Wow. Three new plug-ins today…in the process of actually making them work. The first is an implementation of SIMILE’s wonderful TimeLine tool in WordPress. The plug-in comes from XX and allows you to automatically create a timeline view of posts.…