

links for 2007-01-29

Programming Designs Forums / Top Ten CSS Gallery/Showcase Websites (tags: css design webdesign inspiration showcase Web html)

Random Links Added to on 27 January 2007

10 Things You should Know About WordPress 2.1 » Technology, Blogging and New Media (tags: wordpress blogging blog reference tutorial 2.1) Inside Google Book Search: Books: Mapped (tags: googlemaps context mental_maps Lynch) Reorganize – storage and organizational products for home…


I took the plunge on my research blog and upgraded it from 2.05 –> 2.1 today. So far so good. The other blog is quite a bit simpler and uses far fewer plug-ins, of which I remain trepidatious, but we…

A Fine Italian Grape

I will probably betray my rather unrefined palate with post, but its all about honesty right? Tasted a grape that I hadn’t tried before on Monday night. The Italian Primitivo. Its apparently a relative of the Zinfandel and is harvested…

419ers Continue to Thrive and Prosper

I started collecting those wonderful Nigerian letters and emails soliciting your co-operation to smuggle huge amounts of money out of the country. I thought that maybe the collection might provide an opportunity for analysis and crafting some sort of paper.…

Digital Disaggregation

We had a short spate of conversation at the TAPoR meeting on forms of disaggregation (and I guess corollorarily demand aggregation) when looking at online swap/consolidation sites. I cam across a further swap site this morning that illustrated this concept…and…

Champlain Society Digital Resources

I vaguely remember some mention that many of the work from the Champlain Society are now available online in a digital format. I could not find mention of how many of the works are now available in this format. I…