

Munich 1998

As the weatherman forecasts that the temperature will reach its hottest thus far this year (28C is warm enough for me), I am linking to the remnants of a trip journal to Munich during winter 1998. The HTML is a…

Open Testing 2.0

Tangler offers an innovative approach to open testing of online products. A combination of instant messaging and real-time forums, Tangler provides a repository of joinable discussions and archives discussions for reference. The site seems geared towards testing of new products…

In Bad Taste?

I just noted that Massimo Marcone (one the nicest and most brilliant guys at the University of Guelph) has published his new book – In Bad Taste? This one is definitely going on my must read list. Massimo Marcone is…

Guelph Memory

A great online historical tour of the University of Guelph campus is now available. It doesn’t feature whizzbang flash effects or implement AJAX functionality. Instead, it delivers a smooth and effective tour in a simple and compelling fashion with simple…

A Little Experiment

Answering the question, what’s up with the weird look to Randomosity today…I am trying a strange WordPress theme today using simple ASCII charters. Its actually a rather complex theme and its surprisingly difficult to actually make WordPress look so low-tech.…

links for 2007-05-02

Bytes and Bites – e-learning cafe – (tags: learning mcmaster) History News Network (tags: history news politics academic blog reference blogs education) The Omni Group – Applications – OmniFocus (tags: gtd software productivity omnifocus osx mac tools apple) Building a…

links for 2007-05-01 Corporate Org Chart Wiki (tags: business wiki orgchart organization visualization tools research forbes) TrailRunner – iPod + iTunes (tags: running fitness itunes health ipod) iSubwayMaps – Download subway maps for your iPod Photo here! (tags: ipod maps travel map…