

In Holding Pattern at FRA

Well … here I sit at the Flughaffen Frankfurt. Its about 8am, and the flight was in a little ahead of schedule at 6:45am. No sleep, but then I decided that that would be best in the end and forewent…

Reaume: From Activists to Archivists

Geoffrey Reaume from York and University of Toronto gave a fascinating talk in the History of Health and Medicine Lunchtime Seminar Series today. “From Activists to Archivists: Documenting Mad People’s History Since the 1970s,” explored both the formation of psychiatric…

Of Mice and Me

I feared the trackpad. I am not the biggest fan of the trackpad. I gather that my namesake, the CTO at Synaptics is responsible for some of the biggest breakthroughs as the trackpad gained laptop cred during the 1990’s and…

A Distracting Pendulum?

From the realm of ‘too far fetched’ to be believed comes word that members of the UX, a shadowy underground organisation, have been cleared of charges in their daring, but clandestine operation to restore an antique clock at the Patheon…