

Techno Coolness

We all know I love my gadgets. As I blogged earlier in the week one of the first things I picked up on arrival was a new disposable cell phone. I chose a little Sony Ericsson 530i from because…

Irish Monks Go Digital

Years ago, when my Picture 3.png creative juices were sought a middle ground between a clear systematic approach and yearning to find break out of these same systems, I discovered the work of George and Iain Bain . - father and son. ... While I may have toyed with the idea of putting little knots into a font (in my font design days) I don't think I thought of taking the Bain system and assembling a font that could be used to create patterns using individual letters as the building blocks. ... This is not a criticism of the tool itself (I think it is brilliant and applaud the systematic devising of pattern that went into it), merely a reflection on the nature of the process and of when the tool subtracts from the end result.

Mashing Without Code

It's got a great search engine, and it will map your selections on a rental by rental basis, or will present all (unfiltered) listings in the area of the listing you have chosen. ... : for data to create a dymanic RSS feed Yahoo Pipes to geocode and output a further feed Yahoo Maps because that's what Pipes works with The first step is to construct the target properties from ... Viewing the My Daft page then provides non-paged view of your properties and gives the data (albeit in a relatively unstructured form) needed to build a custom feed from.

Tri in the Sky

As I was wandering to the whole food store tonight I heard the droning of an aircraft I couldn’t identify. There was the beat of a helicopter blade, but I could identify the comingled drone of a heavy engine. Then…