

HTML5 Geolocation

The subtitle ‘Bringing Location to Web Applications’ is particularly apt to this thorough and useful volume. In HTML5 Geolocation Anthony Holdener takes a programmatic approach through the full cycle, exploring the nature of the location, the technicalities of geolocation and…

Book of CSS3 by Peter Gasston

This book is just chock full of goodness. Not only does the Book of CSS3 by Peter Gasston provide a thoughtful introduction to the latest and greatest power of CSS3 (the history and background of which is covered superbly), it…

Reporting on Nudge

From Joe: The verdict:The first 50 pages of Nudge were very good but they didn’t need to write the rest.  For Laurence, who only read the first 50 pages, that’s great foresight. We have acknowledged that a book club is…

When a Good Pad gets Better

Sure enough, O’Reilly have introduced a new version of their iPad: The Missing Manual series, aptly named iPad2: The Missing Manual. Like all Missing Manual series, content is at the overview level attempting to cover the complete range of questions…