


I am not quite certain where from my curiosity with the MOOC concept springs, but I seem to find myself spending much time lately considering their strengths and weaknesses. A recent article in Boston’s Globe exploring the serious resources that Harvard is committing to…

Report on the Undertaking

by Audrey Magee Superb evening last Wednesday. I for one truly appreciated the great discussion on the nature of ‘The Undertaking’ and all and sundry. There was no consensus on the book itself and that certainly is what gives us…

The Continuing MOOC Experience

I have been following (and quite enjoying) Dr Dominic Bryan’s FutureLearn course: Identity, Conflict and Public Space. It began last week and runs for the next six – as seems to be the typical MOOC norm. I have joined in…

The Analogue Save Button

I posted a very quick twit pic on Sunday of geometric shapes inscribed onto vellum with 4H/2H lead. I was basking in some healthy non-digital therapy. I haven’t done any technical drawing in decades. Re-engaging with the putting of lead…

Report on K2

by Damien O’Brien I perceived that the general consensus was very positive around the Ger O’Donnell book. Limited expressions of concern with its stylistics and varying degrees of details (with a tendency not to present as much about the actual experience…

Social Media as Classroom

Crossposted from Iridium’s Day of DH 2014 Last term I delivered a course entirely through social media. Well, I actually showed up in lecture hall one evening to announce that this was to be the case – so not entirely,…

Navigating Edgy Education in a Public Space

Crossposted from the Day of DH 2014 Blog. Dr Dominic Bryan, Director of the Institute for Irish Studies at Queen’s, is running an experimental course offering via FutureLearn a UK-based MOOC (that I will admit not being previously aware of). Bryan’s…

Omeka in the Wild: Practicing What We Preach

Crossposted from Iridium Day of DH 2014. Over the past few years, in consultations with a wide variety of projects I have increasingly identified opportunities where Omeka would make an excellent platform for digital curation. However, aside from a few…

Wielding the Power of Data Visualisation

The rather innocuously titled ‘Visualising helps make sense of data‘ by Teresa Tocewicz crossed my radar this morning. It’s a short, succinct piece that doesn’t raise any contentious ides, instead reinforcing and reminding why and how we approach the visualisation…