

Report on the Narrow Road to the Deep North

by Richard Flanagan Thanks all for a revolving meeting but good time last Thursday. The general consensus was intriguingly positive for our November read. Although initial difficulties with the novel challenged a couple of us (myself included) I think the…

Steady, Steady … Holding to a Prudent Course

Anxious to participate in the crowdsourced initiative to map out Ireland’s historical political and administrative boundaries, I have been carefully and steadily following the stages outlined by Dave Corley in “Mapping Irish Townlands”. As I mentioned last week he has provided superb…

Report on Eyrie

by Tim Winton Well, a great discussion as always and some very thoughtful reflections not just on Eyrie, but on life in general and the state of the world. A small stalwart group but no holds barred when it comes…

Challenging the Spatial Historian

I have great respect for the Programming Historian, a collaborative and evolving collection of tutorials and hands-on guides to inspire and guide practitioners in the art of doing digital history. The site does’t sugarcoat the one critical aspect of doing digital…

Report on An Officer and a Spy

by Robert Harris Thanks all for good discussion, conviviality and a fine summer evening out. As to the Officer and a Spy. It sounds like it was a well-chosen winner for our group. Equally a satisfying read and one that…

Software as a Media for Thinking

I was thrilled to attend a presentation by Lev Manovich at the Trinity CTVR on the 6th Sept on ‘Cultural Analytics: How to use big data to unlearn what we know?’ The experience was inspiring and enthralling and my thanks…

Report on How Music Works

by David Byrne Thanks for a fluidly attended but nonetheless enjoyable discussion. Just as a quick recap, general evaluation rewards David Byrne’s book approximately 5 points. It was probably one of the less read to completion books of the past…

Report on the Indian Clerk

by David Leavitt Thanks for coming out last night and appreciating such a fine evening. Mike, you were toasted in absentia. I write while things are still fresh and with rapidity as my wifi is up and down today on…

Life with a Chromebook

I am always looking for ways of accomplishing day-to-day tasks more efficiently or effectively and the latest foray has been living with a Google ChromeBook. I am now 30 days with a shiny HP Chromebook 11. At £189 via Curry’s…