

Report on Norse Mythology by Gaiman

As with the past few novels, ‘Norse Mythology’ was generally well received. The overarching question asked was: Where was Neil Gaiman’s contribution to the canon. There was a sense that tales were well told and that length, language and introduction…

Hanging with the Hexes

Continuing the trend of plotting the Northern Ireland Assembly results on a custom hex map of constituencies (with the new 5 seaters), the latest (unverified results) are available here:

Report on a Gentleman in Moscow

“If one did not master one’s circumstances, one was bound to be mastered by them.” Was also thrilled that everyone enjoyed the read of A Gentleman in Moscow and it fared so well in the ratings. It was praised for…

The Gentleman’s Book Club Reads

The Gentleman’s Book Club was inaugurated in April 2011 following late night deliberations during the count for the General Election of that year. After some discussion we settled on meeting in Smyth’s pub to share our thoughts on our first read. The location has…

Report on I’m Your Man

by Sylvie Simmons The biggest challenge in reviewing the book was in separating the author’s work from the life being recounted and it was especially hard as we remembered the man. The recommendation could of course have not been more…

Report on the Killing Floor

by Lee Childs Last night’s symposium shed little light on Mr Reacher. In fairness, it was chosen as a lighter read to follow the highly appreciated but magnitudinally-challenging biography of Hamilton. In that light I think it passed the bar…