

Reporting on 12 Lessons for Life

I think that the rather stratified opinions regarding our read this month: 12 Lessons for Life we well captured by the two generous reviews provided by absent members. Thanks for those. The reactions to Peterson were mixed. Enticed by a…

Reporting on Middlesex

Thanks in advance for the three reviews from away. Much appreciated and very thorough and well expressed. I speak to the additional comments rendered tonight by a solid 5 members. The overwhelming impression in both advance and at the meet…

Theo Aronson’s Queen Victoria and the Bonapartes

Theo Aronson’s latest work, Queen Victoria and the Bonapartes, explores the personal relationships between Queen Victoria, Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie of France. It opens a wide window on a colourful and somewhat surprising series of encounters between monarchs that…

Report on Love of Country

A small but cosy crew enjoyed a discussion around Madeleine Bunting’s offering at the Waterloo Bar last week. The book on the table was Love of Country: A Hebridean Journey. Thanks in advance for advance reviews from Brian and Declan.…

Random Report on Sourdough

It’s almost a year to the day since I happened to stumble upon Annabel Scheme and spent the day engaged and enthralled. I was already a huge fan of Mr Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore/Ajax Penumbra 1969[ref]Loved the book!!!!.[/ref] and –…

Random Report on All Our Wrong Todays

This book is an absolute gem. I thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend to anyone who appreciates a thought provoking read that repeatedly flips back layers of narrative upon itself gradually building to a thoroughly satisfying conclusion.

Report on the Descent of Man

Thank you for what was again an engaged and free flowing discussion around The Descent of Man. Thanks Brian in advance for sending along your own evaluation.  Your thoughts well expressed and seemingly consistent with much of the discussion on Thursday.…

Report on A Man Called Ove

A smaller than normal group convened for ruminations on a Man Called Ove last Wednesday and thanks for the submissions in advance of the meeting. Ove sparked great discussion both via email and also in person so in that was certainly a good…