Review of The Allure of the Archives

I am very unsure that I can craft a review that does any justice to the sheer lyricism of this book. It is to be savoured. The narrative exists ob a variety of levels from the small anecdotal insertions of individual…

Review of Station Eleven

A book club alternate this month, I am always looking for a few more suggestions and this one was a great read. Despite promises of post-apocalyptic grittiness and Atwoodian overtones, I chanced a delve and was well rewarded. Station Eleven…

Review of The Code

The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America by Margaret O’Mara casts a far-reaching net to construct a long view perspective on the rise of Silicon Valley as a culture and society in its own right. O’Mara provides a…

Review of Shadowplay

Shadowplay is a sumptuously stunning read full of fact and fiction to enlighten and engage the reader. For me, it is a perfect balance of clever allusion and reference to documented factual occurrence and playful injection of plausibility and possibility.…

Review of Rivers of London

Rivers of London / Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch A brief review. I give this first novel in the series a full five stars for pure enjoyment, wonderful inventiveness and how the author builds a wonderful clever relationship with the…

Review of Lever Templar

This historical-action-espionage novel (as strange as that combo may sound) asks the question: just what was it that allowed the Knights Templar to exert influence in or over the Roman Catholic church during the 12th/13th centuries? And what if that…

Thoughts in Flight

The waves splash and crenellate the shore. They create a boundary zone. Seeking to reach inland, denied by the land. The struggle between tenacious forces creates a spectacle of natural wonder. The tapestry spreads below, beaches, rocks, fields, streams and…

Report on War of the Wolf

Again, I feel I am a little late to the game (Vikings, Game of Thrones). I caught an episode of the Last Kingdom early on and despite high production value was not seized to keep watching. Additionally, as a long…