Category McMaster


I threw this link into an aside, and then thought better of it. It might get lost there, and this latest post from the consistently pragmatic Dustin Wax on Taking Better Notes has a plethora of great tips. He also…

If I Knew Then What I Know Now…

The tentative title for post this was how to get ahead by really trying, but I thought this might actually sounds a little too preachy. Without making this too much of a habit (stealing from another’s hard work), Dustin Wax…

And I Lose Another Utility…

Its just not my month/week/day for utilities. First it was the night of water and now in the midst of our best blizzard yet this year I seem to have lost half an electrical circuit in my house. If it…

RMC Fencing

Just back from a great weekend away at my first fencing tournament. The Mac bus headed off on Friday and we were in Kingston just before midenight. Short nights sleep and we were on the bus at 6 the next…

SSHRC Deadline in Approaching

…and all too fast (maybe not). Clearly I have evolved away from being a last minute writer, however the task of writing to deadlines has gone in the opposite direction. Deadlines are now cut-off points when it is simply time…