

Heathorn on Film and the Kitchener Conspiracy

To a standing room only audience, Dr. Stephen Heathorn kicked off the Fall Thursday Seminar series in the Department of History with a talk entitled ‘Long Before Oliver Stone…Conspiracy Theory and the ’Kitchener Films’ 1921-26.’ Heathorn’s talk centred on the…

Hernández-Sáenz on Mexican Healers

The History of Health and Medicine Seminar series welcomed Luz Maria Hernández-Sáenz today, who presented the lively story of Dona Maria Tiburcia Reynantes. Her paper “Between Medicine and Magic: the Story of an 18th century Mexican healer,” explored the rather…

A Treat in the Attic

Speaking with Matt Leighninger this morning I was reminded of one of my best tips for those looking for offbeat sights in Paris – the military models at the Musée de l’Armée. The museum is a treasure. A grande promenade…

Alan Taylor on the Vision of Joseph Brant

I attended a SRO lecture by Alan Taylor last week. He delivered a wonderful narrative on the life of Joseph Brant couched in the currently contentious discussion over native land rights in the Grand River basin. Taylor is the author…