

Herring and Lockerbie on The Coming Plague

The History of Health and Medicine Seminar series continued today with a rather provocative paper by Dr. Ann Herring and Stacey Lockerbie. “The Coming Plague: Global panic, local repercussions and avian influenza,” contends that globalization and spread of information has…

Taming the RSS Beast

Check out AideRSS – an exciting new tool to help manage information overload. It takes your existing RSS feeds, ranks posts and returns a list weighted by perceived quality. Wonderful paradigm shifting technologies are supposed to streamline our lives and…

Born-Again in Mactopia

So…48 hours back on a Macintosh laptop and I am in seriously danger of getting drunk on the kool-aid again. What is it that pulls one back? Having never really left was part of it. I simply was being interdenominational.…

Social Confusion?

Tim O’Reilly’s keynote at the Graphing Social Patterns conference seems to have readily accepted the term ‘Social Graph‘, recently applied by Mark Zuckerberg to his FaceBook service. Reading Sean Ammirati’s coverage of the talk reminded me of my own reservations…