

Raven and Cherith: A Must Visit

I was thrilled to discover over the Christmas break that my niece has a shiny, new website showcasing her artistic talent. You’ll find it at Raven and Cherith. The uncle is verily impressed. It features many of Meaghan’s masterpieces and…

Report on Cloud Atlas

by David Mitchell Thanks for a fine discussion last night. Attending: Mike, Pete, Joe and Shawn. The general consensus seemed to be disappointed with the book chosen and varying degrees of appreciation. The statement (I think Mike’s) that it would…

Taming Bad Data

The Bad Data Handbook

A great concept for a book. In this day and age as we seem to be increasingly engaging with things we call datasets, engaging in challenges to make sense of big data and engaging with one another around stuff we…

The Science of Fun

Review a book on Lego? Seriously? Not that I would make a secret of my continuing fascination with those funky little pieces of plastic and all that you can do with them, but I am constantly amazed by the vast…

Report on the Casual Vacancy

by JK Rowling A splendid discussion last week around Casual Vacancy. My only excuse is the madness of the season. As only three in attendance (Jim’s contribution gratefully acknowledged) had completed the book, the discussion was limited to a more…

Report on Anatomy of a Moment

by Javier Cercas Thanks for a great outing last night. I thoroughly enjoyed the nicely far-ranging discussion – as always. The general consensus seemed to be a tepid response to Anatomy of a Moment. I was probably and seemingly the most appreciative.…

Report on HHhH

by Laurent Binet A good discussion last night as we wade into parallel tomes. The challenges of summer schedule left us with a stalwart 4, but goodly discussion around HHhH which was well received by all, but for rather diverse…

Finding a Pattern Language for UI

Mobile Design Pattern Library by Theresa Neil is a useful if not essential addition to the library of anyone working in mobile application design today. Neil has systematically compiled a comprehensive means of describing interface elements and classifying between their…