Water, Water Everywhere

Have had a little dry spell in posting to the blog. Ironically this has been partially caused by excessive moisture. I was working away at home on Thursday evening when I heard this whooshing sound coming from my washroom. Thinking it was just the toilet doing its cycling, I actually jiggled the armature before realizing this was a lot louder sound than I had heard before. At this point I happened to glance out my front window to that there was a rather impressive river of water running down my front driveway. I wandered outside and my carport with car in it ressembled a car wash. The ere was water pouring from the ceiling, running down all the walls and streaming from the seams between drywall panels. I will admit to a bit of panic at this point.

I went back inside and manged to find the main water shut off control which I had never used before. This dealt with the strange whooshing sound, but the water sure contnued to pour. I decided to move the car out of the carport before anything else happened to it. This was complicated by a) getting to the car under the still cascading streams of water and b) the fact that it was about -26 and the water had really focussed on the windshield and frozen very quickly. Once I got the car to the street, things became a little more systematic. The water did start to abate some and I amanged to get a plumber eventually who ripped down chuncks of the ceiling and worked quickly in freezing temperatures to replace the burst pipe.

Unfortunately after repairing the pipe, all we had to seal the gapping recess in my ceiling, now exposed to the elements directly, was extra think plastic, whcih we fastened to at least keep the wind off of it. In the process however, the outside faucet probably got jarred and that line burst in the wall as well. Didn’t catch that one immediately though.

The next morning when I woke up there was this peculair banging. Didn’t think much of it until I came home later in the afternoon to find the backyard under water and a similar whooshing inside the house near where the faucet is located outside. That is when I finally found the independeent shut off control for water to the faucet. I had left the water running in the one bathroom all night to keep the exposed pipes from freezing.

So it’s a wet, wet time on in Hamilton right now.

Update: In case you are curious, managed to keep the new piped warm and a replacement ceiling on my carport was installed on Saturday. IT’ll do for now and had made the piped much more cozy. Backyard is now dry, except for a significant blanket of particled solid water (snow). I have a sense that the springtime will reveal more as to the other water break. For now, Shawn has hot water a warmer floor and things are flowing fine.

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