A Short Review of The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America

The Code is an attempt to cast a far-reaching net to construct a long-perspective view of the rise of Silicon Valley as a culture and society in its own right. O’Mara provides a superbly readable and fresh look at an area demonstrably not previously explored in such detail. The depth of research and careful craft are accomplished in parsing such an ambitious scope into an approachable volume. Although it was a slightly longer read than necessary at times, it brought forth tantalising previously unexposed tales as she worked towards demonstrating the unique confluence of time, place and personality that all came together to get us to the technologically entwined society of today. She explores the nature of periodic investment cycles in the military-industrial complex and its deep relationship with specific academic bodies in the US. At times, I must admit that her attempts to bring to light what has been termed ‘unjustly ignored’ contributions by women and minorities seem somewhat contrived – the importance of undertaking this search and identifying these previously unrecognised contributions is critical.
The Code is a worthy read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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