Friday is Plug-In Day

Wow. Three new plug-ins today…in the process of actually making them work.
The first is an implementation of SIMILE’s wonderful TimeLine tool in WordPress. The plug-in comes from XX and allows you to automatically create a timeline view of posts. Too cool! It has a most robust and customizable dashboard as well. I am implementing it on the archives page, although it has the flexibility to show up throughout your site, and load an unload the code as necessary. Very well implemented.
The second, and equally fun, tool is the Now Reading tool that allows you to share your virtual library with readers and automatically draws information from Amazon to make it much more fun. This I have chosen to add to my header for now…check it out by pulling on the pull this tag above.
The third plug-in is the logical extension of this process…the aptly named, Plugins Used plugin by Viper. Its seems appropriate that as I have benefited from others so careful attention to sharing their site construction I should share mine as well.

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